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Apply For Free State Department of Education: Internships 2024 / 2025

Company : Free State Department of Education
Location : Free State, South Africa
Closing date: 15 November 2024

How to Apply


Applications must be submitted with a Z83 form (Download Here)  and must be accompanied by recently updated CV. Please indicate the Reference number, Position and Area/Centre on your application form.


NB. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of an ID documents, qualifications, and recent academic transcripts / records.


For Reference Numbers, Position names and details on How to Apply Click Here



Closing Date: Friday, 15 November 2024 at 15:30.

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An easier way to create your CV. It's as simple as entering your details. The system will use the details you entered to generate a professional looking CV which you can Download and use. Get started.