MISA is a Schedule 3 government component of the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) established in terms of Section 7(5) of the Public Service Act of 1994 (as amended), with the mandate to provide technical support and build technical capacity for municipalities to enhance their capability to undertake efficient planning , delivery , operations and management of municipal infrastructure
The MISA Young Graduate programme is a structured work-based internship development programme focused on taking young graduates from various Universities and University of Technologies through a structured work plan in order to expand their work experience and achieve professional registration as professional technicians with the relevant statutory professional registration body.
The recruitment is targeting cohort for the 2024/2025 financial year in particular learners from previously disadvantaged background. Successful candidates will enter into two to three-years internship contract as determined by the requirement of the specific discipline. The Young Graduates will enter into contract with MISA and be placed in nine provinces were MISA is operating for the duration of the internship.
Location: All Provinces
University and University of Technology graduates in the following disciplines:
NB. Applicants must be unemployed graduates willing and available for a minimum 24 months post-graduation workplace experience deployment within the nine provinces. Applicants must be South African citizens.
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