The City invites suitably qualified unemployed candidates, who meet the relevant minimum requirements to apply for these Training and Development Opportunities. The City is embarking on an ongoing drive to train numerous recruits on various programmes within the City of Cape Town.
This forms part of the City of Cape Town’s commitment in addressing the high levels of unemployment in our youth, as well as providing the necessary opportunities for skills enhancement. The Student Opportunity initiative is to provide exposure and experience in various Directorates within the City. Once completed, the acquired skills will significantly enhance opportunities for employment in various sectors industry.
The following Training and Development Opportunities are open for applications:
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) - Fixed Term Contract
The City offers a program which integrates academic learning with its application in the workplace where such learning is a specific requirement to obtain a formal qualification. This work experience is usually defined, with clear learning outcomes and is formally known as In-Service Training.
Requirements: National Certificate - N6 (WIL/In-service Training). Letter from the Institution requesting WIL (In-service training). Transcript (Academic results)
Graduate Internship Programme (GIP) - Fixed Term Contract
The City offers graduate internship programmes to graduate students who have completed their qualification at an Institution of Higher Learning (University/ University of Technology).
Requirements: A 3 year Diploma / National Diploma / Advanced Diploma / B-tech / Degree / Honours / Masters / PhD
Learnerships - from 12 up to 24 months
The City offers vocational education and training programme to facilitate the linkage between structured learning and work experience in order to obtain a registered qualification. It combines theory and workplace practice into a qualification that is registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Requirements: Grade 12 certificate. Additional requirements may vary depending on type of Learnership
Skills Programme - Fixed Term Contract
The programme gives practical exposure to candidates with the objective of providing structured experiential learning opportunities
Requirements: Grade 10/11/ National Senior Certificate (Grade12/Matric) / N1 - N5 / Level 2 -4
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