The Gauteng Community Education and Training College in partnership with SERVICES SETA would ike to invile qualifying applicants to apply for Graduate Internship Programme for the financial year 2025/2026.
The Graduate Intemship Programmes are meant to provide work exposure to graduates for the period of twelve (12) months. The applicants must be unemployed, never participated in the Graduate Internship Programmes and must be between the age of 18-35.
Stipend: R6000.00 pm
Duration: 12 Months conract
Location: Successful applicants will be placed at Various stations within the Gauteng CET College and other organisations, or Industy within Gauteng Province.
The following Internship Opportunities are open for applications:
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/01)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/02)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/03)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/04)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/05)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/06)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/07)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/08)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/09)
Internship (Reference No: GCETC:2025/02/10)
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