Musina Municipality: LGSETA Learnerships 2023

Company : Musina Municipality
Location: Musina, South Africa
Closing date: 14 June 2023

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Musina Municipality: LGSETA Learnership Programme 2023


Musina Municipality funded by the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) is offering the Learnership Programme 2023.


The programme is aimed at preparing unemployed youth by providing them with an opportunity to acquire work experience up towards attainment of an NQF linked and SAQA approved qualification/ programme in specified field


Learnership: Further Education and Training Certificate: Municipal Finance and Administration SAQA ID 50372.

Number Of Learners Required: 20

Stipend: R2 500

Duration: 12 Month ( 1 Year)



  • Grade 12 with Business Studies, Communication and Accounting or Mathematics Literacy.
  • or Further Education and Training Certificate NQF Level 3 or equivalent Qualification.

Who is eligible to apply?

  • South African citizens who are permanent residents.
  • Applicants should not have previously work experience or have participated in any learnership/ Work integrated Learning/ internship programme.
  • Applicant should not be older than 35 years.
  • Applicants should not have previously benefitted from LGSETA programmes for the same programme.
  • Applicant must commit to adhering to learnership agreement and fulfilment of all terms & conditions of the programme for the duration of the learnership including completion and submission of POE’S.

How to Apply

Click Here to Apply

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Date listed: 2023-06-08 08:30:05 | Closing date: 2023-06-14 | INTERN | Location : Musina South Africa