Karoo Hoogland Municipality: Finance Internships 2024 / 2025

Company : Karoo Hoogland Municipality
Location: Karoo Hoogland Municipality, South Africa
Closing date: 14 June 2024

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

Karoo Hoogland Municipality: Finance Internship Programme 2024 / 2025


Position Title: Financial Interns

Reference No: HR015/2024

Duration: 3 years contract

Stipend: R100 000.00 p.a


The MFMP is a structured professional training and work experience programme with the goal of providing high quality training and practical exposure in all aspects of a Municipal Budget and Treasury Office which is governed by the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 and the underlying reforms.


The programme has a logical training sequence that’s builds on the skills and competencies acquired during University and Technikon training. It ends with a qualification in Municipal Finance Management in line with the Municipal Regulations on Minimum Competency Levels, Gazette 29967 of 15 June 2007.


  • A three-year Bachelor’s Degree or National Diploma with majors in: Accounting / Economics / Finance / Risk Management and/or Auditing.
  • The candidate must be between the ages of 21 and 35.
  • NB. Persons with a N6 Certificate in Accounting / Economics / Finance / Risk Management and/or Auditing who must still do their WIL Program are also encouraged to apply

How to Apply

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Date listed: 2024-06-09 06:56:25 | Closing date: 2024-06-14 | INTERN | Location : Karoo Hoogland Municipality South Africa