CSIR: Earth Systems Science Internships 2024

Company : CSIR
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Closing date: 11 June 2024

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CSIR: Earth Systems Science Internship Programme 2024


The CSIR annually offers linked Internship-Studentships through the Southern Ocean Carbon-Climate Observatory (SOCCO), an inter-disciplinary programme hosted by Smart Places. These opportunities are in a range of disciplines that address the research needs of earth systems science with a focus on ocean carbon dynamics.


Interns need to perform well to qualify for the studentship programme, apply for an NRF bursary and gain admission to a university.  These opportunities will be based in Cape Town.


  • An Honours degree in:
  1. Biological Sciences,
  2. Computer Science,
  3. Statistics,
  4. Oceanography,
  5. Mathematics,
  6. Physics,
  7. Chemistry;
  • Basic computer science and coding experience (e.g. Matlab / Python) will be advantageous;
  • An understanding of basic statistics for the processing of large datasets will be advantageous;
  • Knowledge/familiarity with performing data processing, analysis and visualisation on Python will be beneficial;
  • Effective communication skills (oral, written and presentation);
  • Be independent and able to work under pressure.

How to Apply

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Date listed: 2024-06-09 08:40:04 | Closing date: 2024-06-11 | INTERN | Location : Cape Town South Africa