Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET): Bursaries 2025

Company: Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust
Location: South Africa
Closing date: 13 December 2024

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET): Bursaries 2025


The Cyril Ramaphosa Education Trust (CRET) is inviting students to apply for their bursary support programme, for the 2025 academic year. The CRET bursary aims to provide funding to students who may otherwise be overlooked by other bursary programmes – the programme considers the holistic needs of candidates, their potential, and student who with enough support, nurturing and mentoring, will become leaders of the future.


Bursaries will be awarded for undergraduate studies, within the following fields:

  • Commerce and Finance
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Sciences (excluding MBChB)
  • Technology
  • Scarce or critical skills training (including Boiler Making, Welding, Plumbing, OHS, Renewable Energy, Waste Management, Green Technology, Entrepreneurship, etc)


The bursary will provide full cover for the following expenses:

  • Tuition fees,
  • Textbooks and other study materials,
  • Accommodation,
  • Meals,
  • A monthly living allowance,
  • Transport, where required.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must have a valid South African ID number
  • You must be between 16 and 27 years old
  • You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric
  • You must be studying or intend on studying towards an undergraduate qualification, within one of the fields of study listed above
  • You must be studying or have applied/ registered to study at a recognised and accredited tertiary institution in South Africa (University, University of Technology, TVET College or other recognized learning institution)
  • You must be in financial need, with a total household income of NOT more than R650 000 per annum

How to Apply

Click Here to Apply

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Date listed: 2024-10-19 07:50:08 | Closing date: 2024-12-13 | Bursary/Accommodation | Location : Nation wide South Africa