University of Johannesburg (UJ): Software / Computer Science Internships 2024

Company : University of Johannesburg
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Closing date: 21 July 2023

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

University of Johannesburg (UJ): Software / Computer Science Internship Programme 2024


Position Title: Drobotic PEETS Internship


UJ's Process, Energy & Environmental Technology Station (UJ PEETS) invites unemployed graduates to apply for an Internship Opportunity.


The position is situated within University of Johannesburg’s Process, Energy & Environmental Technology Station (PEETS). The primary mandate of UJ PEETS is to contribute towards improving the competitiveness of Industry in the green economy through the application of specialised knowledge and technology transfer. UJ PEETS facilitate the interaction between academia, industry (especially SMEs) and government.



  • This position deals specifically with testing; data extraction and data storage within cloud systems.
  • The successful candidates will be required to engage in a variety of lab testing; operating at a technician level; analytical activities; data gathering processes; data interpretation; modelling and predictions.


For the Internship opportunity we are looking for candidates with Micro-Software & Computer Science backgrounds.

How to Apply

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Date listed: 2023-07-19 08:22:12 | Closing date: 2023-07-21 | INTERN | Location : Johannesburg South Africa