Dept of Forestry, Fisheries & the Environment (DFFE): Bursaries 2023
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) invites qualifying students to apply 2023 Bursary Programme.
Bursaries will be awarded for studies in the following fields:
Biodiversity and Conservation:
- Biological Sciences (BSc/ Degree/ Hons BSc)
- Environmental Management/ Science, Nature Conservation
- Environmental Resource Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management
- Environmental Science (BSc/ Degree/ Diploma/ Hons/ National Diploma)
- Heritage Studies (Degree/ Diploma)
- Natural Resource Management, Geography and Hydrology
- Nature Conservation (Degree/ Diploma/ Hons)
Chemicals and Waste Management:
- Environmental Management (B Degree/ B Tech/ Hons/ Masters/ National Diploma)
- Environmental Science (B Degree/ B Tech/ Hons/ Masters/ National Diploma)
- Information Science (B Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Monitoring and Evaluation (B Degree/ B Tech/ Hons/ Masters/ National Diploma)
- Natural Science (Geography, Chemistry, Hydrology, Water etc) (B Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Sustainable Development Studies
- Waste Management (B Degree/ Masters/ Hons)
- Water Resource Efficiency / Circular Economy (B Degree/ B Tech/ Hons/ Masters/ National Diploma)
Climate Change and Air Quality and Sustainability Development:
- Environmental Engineering (M.Eng)
- Environmental Law (LLM)
- Environmental Politics (BA (Hons))
- Environmental Science (M Sc)
- Environmental Social Science (B Sc)
- MSc/ MPhil specialising in Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Environmental Programmes:
- Environmental Science: Biological Resources (BSc Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Environmental Science: Environmental Economics (BSc Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Environmental Science: Environmental Law/ Biological Sciences (BSc Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Environmental Science: People and the Environment (BSc Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Environmental Science: Water Resources (BSc Degree/ Hons/ Masters)
- Environmental Science (National Diploma)
- Horticulture (National Diploma/ Adv Diploma)
- Landscape Technology (National Diploma/ Adv Diploma)
Forestry Management:
- Forestry (Advance Diploma/ Diploma)
- Forestry and Natural Resource Science (BSc)
- Natural Resource Management (BSc Honours)
- Wood and Wood Products (BSc)
- Wood and Wood Products Science (MSc)
Fisheries Management:
- Environmental Science (B Degree/ Hons/ MSc)
- Ichthyology specialising in Aquaculture (BSc)
- Marine/ Fisheries Biology (BSc)
- Maritime Studies
- Oceanography (National Diploma/ B Tech)
- Oceanography and Marine Biology (BSc)
- Post-Graduate studies in different fisheries and aquaculture study fields (B Tech/ BSc Hons/ MSc and PhD)
Oceans and Coast:
- Biochemistry (Genetics) (Hons/ MSc)
- Botany (Coastal related i.e. mangroves, dune vegetation) (Hons/ MSc)
- Chemistry (Heavy metals/ Plastic pollution in the Marine Environment) (MSc)
- Chemistry (Hydro-Carbons) (MSc)
- Data Analyst and Statistical Modelling
- Ecological Modelling (MSc)
- Ecophysiology (Hons/ MSc)
- GIS emphasis on Spatial analysis (Hons/ MSc)
- Marine Science / Environmental Science (BTech)
- Natural Resource Economics (Marine) (Masters/ PhD)
- Physics & Biological Oceanography Ocean Noise (PhD)
- Taxonomy (Systematics) and Biodiversity (MSc)
Regulatory Compliance and Sector Monitoring:
- Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (majoring in Animal and wildlife)
- Botany (BSc)
- Chemistry (BSc)
- Environmental Management majoring in Environmental Impact Assessment (Bachelor of)
- Geography (BSc Honours)
- Geography, Geoinformatics (BSc)
- Law (B.A)
- LLB (Major courses Administrative law, legislative drafting, Environmental Law)
- Paralegal (Degree/ Diploma)
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must be currently in Matric or you have completed Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying full time, towards a qualification in one of the fields listed above
- You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised and accredited tertiary institution in South Africa
- You must NOT be employed
- You must NOT be an employee of the DFFE
- Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged candidates and those living with disabilities
How to Apply
Click Here to Apply
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