City of Johannesburg: Bursary for 2023
The CoJ is offering bursaries to South African youth, who permanently reside in Johannesburg, to pursue full-time undergraduate studies in the following technical and vocational study fields.
Fields of study:
- Artisan
- Computer Systems
- Construction
- Data Management
- Electrical
- Information Technology/Security
- Machining
- Manufacturing
- Network and System Administration
- Plumbing
- Software Developer
- Sports Management
- Web Developer
- Welding
Criteria for selection:
- Selection of successful candidates will be strictly on academic merit.
- Applicants are expected to study at an accredited South African tertiary institution.
- It is the student’s responsibility to seek admission with a tertiary institution.
- The bursary is for qualifications of no less than one year.
- The bursary is renewable annually, based on academic performance/results.
- The bursary is not applicable for post graduate qualifications
The Bursary covers
Tuition and registration fees, prescribed books and/or study material and is limited to the amount of R 35,000.00 per academic year.
How to Apply
Click Here to Apply
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