Adidas: Digital & Social Media Management Trainee Prgramme 2023

Company : Adidas
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Closing date: Not Specified

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

Adidas: Digital & Social Media Management Trainee Prgramme 2023


A degree does not mean that your learning journey has ended. Progression, improvement and curiosity keep us growing both as a company and as individuals. That‘s why we created the Future Leaders Program which provides the foundations for a challenging job in one of the fastest moving industries.


Abou the Programme

  • You will embark on a New Manager certified course, in partnership with the Graduate School of Business, whilst working at the best sports company in the world.
  • You will have a personal coach, a mentor, a line manager and HR to support you.
  • You will also spend time in our stores and with our Leadership team completing various workshops and learning experiences to ensure you are embedded in our three stripes. 
  • You will fulfil a fulltime role within the selected department based on your skills and experience, where you will make an impact on the business and your performance will be measured accordingly.
  • You will also be assigned a group project which allows individuals to demonstrate their teamwork and innovative thinking skills. 

If you meet the criteria for this two-year program, you will max your creative and analytic potential and have fun while doing so. 

Join us in one of the following different core areas and keep the training going:

  • Brand Activation
  • Sales & Customer Service 
  • Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Retail Finance
  • Export

How to Apply

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Closing date: 2023-06-03 | Date listed: 2023-05-24 06:46:59 | INTERN | Location : Cape Town South Africa